Author Archives: Joan Ravenhawk

About Joan Ravenhawk

I am a natural born psychic and empath, who as a toddler recognized my parents from past life soul journeys. My memories as a child was that of traveling back and forth through a tunnel (third eye chakra) to my home on the other side. During my adolescent years I experienced seeing the Ascended Masters and would be given written messages that scrolled across my inner vision each night. Later, they would reappear to initiate me into the Great White Brotherhood of Light. In the 1980's I experienced a spontaneous past life recall which propelled me onto a new path in life, one as a serious student of esoteric knowledge. I have studied and worked with many discipline's including; Yoga, Tao, Chinese Medicine, Reiki and Shamanism. It is my mission to help develop greater understanding of our own natures as well as our interconnectedness to all life forms in the greater community of our beloved Earth Mother and Cosmic Families.

The Universal Laws of the Twenty Count

While in my 30’s I had experiences of  waking  at night and  would be viewing another dimensional time and space, one in which I was seeing the universal language of the Twenty Count. This fascinated me as I was not familiar … Continue reading

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